Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gotta Love Throw Up!!

Today started out like any other Sunday. Getting up at the crack of dawn- that's when Carson loves to get up! And then of course Jon making breakfast.. It seemed pretty much normal except Jon and I were starting to get sick; just with a cold, nothing serious. When we get to church, Carson was in a good mood playing with Dad. Jon had put a blanket on Carson because we were about to feed him some cheerios. Right after a couple of Cheerios he started to choke a little-not that big of a deal. Jon worked his magic and calmed Carson down. When a couple minutes later Carson did a full on Throw Up all over the blanket and Dad's arm. We aren't just talking one spew, it was two HUGE ones. All over the blanket. Good news though.......not a drop got on his outfit!! Not knowing if Carson was coming down with anything we decided to go home. And to help us get better too. I knew that this day would come when one of our kids would do something like this, and that day was today! So from here on out it's not going to be anything that we haven't survived!

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