Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shut the door, Put the can up

I don't know if all kids go through this stage but Carson is in it and its really kind of gross! He all of a sudden has a huge fascination of Toilets, and the Garbage can. Seriously the two nastiest things in a house. If I forget to shut the door to the toilet you know that he is in it either throwing stuff into it or splashing his hands in it then.......he licks his hands afterwards. Ya...Gross! Or if its not the toilet, you know he has went to the trash can. With this he either puts whatever he can find in it or he will pull everything out of it and throw it everywhere in the house. Gotta love Toddlers! So from here on out unless we want a toilet licking hand or trash everywhere, we keep all doors shut in this house and keep the trash can on the table for now until we find a better place for it! Any ideas?


Jimmy, Diane and Bentley said...

Ha ha!!! (I'm so happy we're not there yet!) Nadezhda does the same thing, she loves to swirl the water in the toilet and her latest thing is to throw everything from the kitchen drawers in the garbage can. SO considerate.

Ashley said...

goodness, do I ever know what ya mean! Penny used to dunk her bath toys in the toilet all the time! Now we keep the bathroom door shut at all times with a child safety thing on the handle! It works great unless you have someone over who is not used to shutting the door behind them! I also keep our garbage in the pantry, and a garbage can out back on our deck for dirty diapers....it's really nasty when they get into that!

Kirsti said...

buy the safety latch things that are for refrigerators and put it on the toilet. I know it sounds weird, but it has been a lifesaver! I don't have to always keep the door shut and if I forget to latch the safety lock, Tyler is more concerned about latching the lock than opening the lid! I used to find soggy toilet paper EVERYWHERE and that has totally solved the problem. And I agree about the trashcan in the pantry- I think its the only way to solve that yummy problem!