Everyone needs to check out this site.....obsessedwithscrapbooking.com. She is having a great giveaway. SERIOUSLY! If you love to scrap book at all, check it out! I'm hoping that I will win the it!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Posted by The McMullin's at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Shannon Garber Photography
I heard about this person from a friend, saying she does amazing photography. I have looked at her pictures and she is great. She has been a professional photographer for only a year now and because she has reached her one year mark, she is giving away a photography session. Meaning, family, child, senior, engagement, bridals, etc. And a 16x20 mounted print of your choice to celebrate this occasion. You cant beat that! Anyway, check out her blog and her pictures...they are amazing.....and for this free giveaway! It's....
Posted by The McMullin's at 9:22 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What you all have been waiting for...
Pictures of ME!!! Just kidding.... We had our new little bundle of joy just a little ago and here is her story!
Days before we FINALLY went into labor I had tried everything to get this girl out. Nothing was working. So if all else failed we were prepared to get induced, because there was no way that we were going to have another big baby again! Then finally it happened....I started to have contractions. Not that that was such a big deal because I have been having those since I was 25 weeks, and I have been having real contractions since about 35 weeks. So you really never knew if it was the real thing. After hanging out with my sister for a while on Saturday and having contractions every 4-7 minutes for an hour and a half, I figured I should call Jon (he was working in IF) and let him know that today could be the day. Right when I was about to get off the phone with him, I had "the contraction" and told him that he needs to get home RIGHT NOW! It was GO time! While he is rushing to get home to take me, my sister is on her way over to take Carson, and me trying to finish packing my "bag", I figure I should take a couple of last Pregnancy Pictures of me.Yes, I did just get my hair dyed a couple days before so I could look "good"! And I really didn't want to have any grays showing in the hospital or for the blessing!
Yes this is a cheesy smile but I wanted to get a profile one before we left. I really liked that shirt, it wasn't meant to be a pregnancy shirt but now I can never wear it unless I am prego!
When we got there they let me stay....thank goodness! They gave me the epidural within an hour I want to say. I guess this time they gave me a different kind then last time because last time I couldn't feel anything when they told me to push....not that I am complaining because I didn't want to feel anything. But because of that, they gave me a different kind. It still worked just as good, but they said that this time I would be able to feel pressure when it would be time to push. I have to say that if any of you are getting an epidural, have Dave do it. He did a fantastic job. So nice and really made you feel comfortable, and he took the time to explain everything to Jon, because he was so curious to know what was going on. After the epidural, my blood pressure started to go down. Because of that they had to keep giving me meds through my IV because I was about to pass out and or throw up, and through the oxygen mask too. This didn't just happen once, it was about 5 times....give or take a few. The lowest it got was 40/20. Crazy!! But all was well. The nurses that I had were AMAZING. Truly they were. Once I got to a 10 which took forever, it felt like. The nurse told me to push, right when I started, she told me to STOP!!! She was about to come right out! They had to get the doc that was on call which was Dr. Lovell. Having never seen him at all, and him not being one of the doctors that I would have seen, he did a great job. He made me feel so comfortable, although it took the whole time to even get him to crack a smile. As soon as he got there it only took one push to get her out. It was AWESOME! Even though she went poo in the womb just like Carson did, there had to be 3 more nurses in the room during the delivery. The only difference was, as soon as she got out she started to scream and Carson needed some help to get him breathing. The great news was, was that she came in on June 7th at 1:48am weighing.......... 7.4 lbs and 20 inches!!! Ya, you read right.....I had a small baby!!! So to all those out there who ever had a big baby, there is hope for you to have a small one!!! Here are some pictures of the newest member of the McMullin fam! Enjoy!!

Waiting for us to change rooms, Jon and Brynlee couldn't stay up

Not the best picture of the fam at the hospital, but remember I just had her earlier that morning

Jon hates that I put this picture up but its really the only one were Carson has some what of a smerk/smile

Ladies and Gentlemen.....this is Brynlee. Jon calls this her "Elvis" look. She came with TONS of brown hair, Carson had a little more but she has a good amount too. And to this day, non has fallen out!

Carson wanted to know what it was like to have the cool bed! He loved messing with the controls on the side of it.

Jon taking a snooze while I was filling out all the paperwork so we could leave on Monday afternoon

Carson loves to give her kisses all the time....pretty cute. He is such a great big brother to her. He doesn't really seem to get jealous much. He always wants to be next to her and always wants to give her hugs too. Then he runs up to either me or Jon to let us know what he did. So precious!

The Big Brother!

Posted by The McMullin's at 11:14 AM 19 comments
Present Time!
Carson got some pretty cool gifts this year! Thanks to everyone who came and got him a little something. Carson has some pretty amazing friends! Thanks again!

I don't really know what is on the videos. I don't know how long they are either. Have fun!
Posted by The McMullin's at 11:13 AM 0 comments
I know that Carson just looks so happy in this picture!! Ha Ha. Everytime we ask him to smile this is what we get. Go figure. He isn't one to do anything on command except when we ask him to do his air guitar and his solo. If you notice the red on his face you can tell that this year he actually ate his cake....it took a lot of convincing from daddy but he finally did it!

And the Elmo cake this year. Carson has really become a fan of Elmo lately.....hence the Elmo Cake and all! I know......I did a GREAT job!! Actually I had my friend Callie help me with it!
The videos; this would be the last video taken of me being prego, and the other one is a long one....sorry about that. Thats how long it took for Jon to convince Carson to eat the cake!
Posted by The McMullin's at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Carson turns the Big 2
Carson's 2nd Birthday Pool Party! Was a HUGE hit! He loves to play in his swimming pool all the time, and if he had things his way he would do it all the time! Too bad I'm a mean mom! Here are just a few pics of some of the friends that came.
Posted by The McMullin's at 11:10 AM 0 comments
The Best $1 spent EVER
I love going garage selling, and can I just say that this is by far the best $1 spent EVER! Carson loves to play and sing with it all the time!
Posted by The McMullin's at 11:08 AM 1 comments